en pl
Red deers phot. Zenon Wojtas

Red deers phot. Zenon Wojtas

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Tourism » Rules


Visitors to the Magura National Park are requested to obey the following regulations:

1. Tourist may visit the Park for the whole year, from dawn till dusk
 - on foot only using the tourist trails
 - by bicycle only using public roads and bicycle trails
 - horseback only using the horse riding trails

2. Organizer of the events for large groups (hikes, horseback tours, sleigh rides) must get permission from the director of MNP giving details about date and place of the event.

3. Every group of more then 10 people must be accompanied by a tourist guide.

4. Animals must be kept on the lead.

5. In the area of the Park it is forbidden to:
 - destroy or damage trees, bushes, other plants and fungi,
 - disturb, catch or kill any animals,
 - collect plants, mushrooms, berries or other fruit,
 - litter,
 - disturb the silence or use any appliances that transfer sound,
 - walk beside the marked tourist trails,
 - bivouac,
 - make fire, carry it or smoke cigarettes,
 - drive motor vehicles beside the access roads.

6. Visitor entering a tourist trail from May 1st till October 31st must buy ticket (for details see price list).

7. Walking along the Nature Path Kiczera is permitted only with Park’s guide after paying a fee.

8. Filming and photographing of the Park’s area outside tourist trails and public roads for commercial purposes is available only with director’s permission.

9. Every tourist when visiting the Magura NP must obey rules and laws concerning nature protection.
