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author Alicja Nawracaj

author Alicja Nawracaj

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Tourism » Wooden architecture route

Wooden architecture route

The Wooden Architecture Route in the Beskid Niski Mts.

The Wooden Architecture Route is a certain project aiming to show wooden architecture monuments in three Polish provinces – Podkarpackie, Malopolskie and Slaskie. In every region it was divided into several routes. Objects presented on the routes are churches and old houses, palaces and roadside shrines, everyone unique and beautiful. The Route preserves Polish cultural heritage for posterity.

In the area of the Magura NP and it’s buffer zone there are two regional parts of The Wooden Architecture Route as the Park lies in two provinces – Podkarpackie and Malopolskie.

Podkarpackie province, trail IV Sanok – Dukla

This trail leads from Sanok towards S to Rzepedz and Komancza villages, then towards W to Jasliska, Dukla and Krempna villages and further W through Nowy Zmigrod to Pielgrzymka villages. A part of this trail runs through the area of the Magura National Park. It goes through the area where Lemko people used to live and shows two types of the Lemko sacral architecture in the east Lemko and west Lemko styles. The first one is represented by the orthodox churches in Szczawne, Rzepedz, Turzansk, Komancza and Wislok Wielki villages and the second one by the orthodox churches in Chyrowa, Kotan, Swiatkowa Mala, Swiatkowa Wielka and Pielgrzymka villages.

In the area of the Magura NP and it’s buffer zone there are several objects of the trail:

Orthodox church in Chyrowa village – Orthodox churche in Olchowiec village – Orthodox church in Krempna village – Orthodox church in Kotan village – Orthodox church in Swiatkowa Mala – Orthodox church in Swiatkowa Wielka – Orthodox church in Pielgrzymka village.

More about The Wooden Architecture Route in the Podkarpackie province on the official webpage .

Malopolskie province, trail V Krynica – Gorlice

This trail leads from Gorlice first E then S to Krynica through Szymbark, Bodaki, Gladyszow and Uscie Gorlickie villages with several branches. Then it goes back N to Gorlice through Binczarowa and Krolowa Gorna villages. An eastern part of this trail runs through the area of the Park’s buffer zone. It shows not only churches but also some old wooden village buildings.

In the area of the Magura NP and it’s buffer zone there are several objects of the trail:

Orthodox church and Greek Catholic church in Bodaki village – Orthodox church and Greek Catholic church in Bartne village – village buildings of Lemko style in Bartne village.

More about The Wooden Architecture Route in the Malopolskie province on the official webpage.

