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Scopolia carniolica phot. Stefan Michalik

Scopolia carniolica phot. Stefan Michalik

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Tourism » Bicycle trails

Bicycle trails

Bicycle trails set up by the Polish Tourist-Sightseeing Society from Jaslo:

Jasło – Ozenna bicycle trail “The meeting of cultures”
Marked red
From Brzezowa village through Walik hill, Jaworze village, Desznica village, Swiatkowa Wielka village, Swiatkowa Mala village, Rostajne village, Grab village to Ozenna village it runs through the area of the Magura National Park and its buffer zone.
The trail length in this part: 25 km
Category: bicycle trail

Bicycle trails in Krempna district:

Bicycle trail no 1
Marked green
The trail starts and ends in Krempna village. It is one of the shortest bicycle trails in Krempna district. It runs from Krempna village through Kolomyja meadow, Huta Krempska village back to Krempna.
The trail length in this part: 12 km.
Category: bicycle trail

Bicycle trail no 2
Marked blue
It runs along a route of old Orthodox Churches. It starts and ends in Krempna village. It runs through Kotan village, Swiatkowa Wielka village and Swiatkowa Mala village.
The trail length in this part – 16 km.
Category: bicycle trail

Bicycle trail no 3
Marked red
It runs along a route of old Lemko villages. It is the longest bicycle trail in the area of Krempna district. It starts  in Krempna village and runs through Zydowskie village, Ciechania village, Grab village, Rostajne village, Swiatkowa Mala village, Kotan village back to Krempna.
The trail length in this part – 30 km.
Category: bicycle trail

Bicycle trail no 4
Marked yellow
It runs from Krempna village through Myscowa village, Suchania Mt, Polany village to Huta Polanska and back to Krempna.
The trail length in this part –  27 km.
Category: bicycle trail

