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author Alicja Nawracaj

author Alicja Nawracaj

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Natura 2000

Natura 2000

The European Ecological Network Natura 2000 works in every European Union country. It was created to retain endangered and very rare plants and animals species as well as natural habitats being important for the conservation of natural values of Europe.


Nature 2000 is a system which connects 2 separate systems of protected areas set according to the EU law. It overlaps with current protected areas functioning in every EU country but it does not replace them as it has its own aims and functions.

The Magura National Park was suggested as a Special Area of  Conservation SAC called  Ostoja Magurska. The main reason for the foundation of SAC is the protection of certain determined types of natural habitats and habitats important for the protection of certain species of plants and animals apart from birds. Other suggested SAC which may include the area of the Park is Lysa Gora covering a small part of the Park’s south enclave called Maly Lasek.
Bird protection has a special status in Natura 2000 network as in many European countries some areas for birds protection were already outlined. The areas important for the protection of birds are called Special Protection Areas SPA. In the area of the Beskid Niski Mts. a SPA called Beskid Niski covering the hall territory of MNP was suggested.
An important feature of the Natura 2000 is the creation of the cohesive ecological network that is a system of protected areas connected by the ecological corridors in every EU country. The state borders are not important in that system. Ostoja Magurska is located in border zone and it adjoins some Slovakian Natura 2000 areas – SAC called Dukla SKUEV0048 and SPA called Laborecka Verchovyna SKCHVU011 (a map of the Natura 2000 areas in Slovakia).

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