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Wolf phot. Renata and Marek Kosinscy

Wolf phot. Renata and Marek Kosinscy

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Nature » Unanimated nature » Soils


The soils of the Magura National Park are not very variable. Brown soils - typical, leached and gley, are the dominant soils in this area (85 – 90%).

Acid brown soils cover small areas on coarse-grained sandstone mantles of Magura or on deep decalcified slope covers.

Locally bigger areas are covered by gley soils, forming on gentle slopes, slope recess and local water seepages.

Alluvial soils occur in stream and river valley-floors. The biggest patches of these soils can be found in the Wisloka and Ryjak valley. Altogether, alluvial soils and gley soils cover 10 – 12% of the Park’s territory.

Regosols cover about 1 – 2% of the Park’s area. They can be found on rocky ridges and steep slopes covered with rock debris.

To get the complete view of the Park’s soils we should also mention the occurrence of a few patches of humus-gley soils and isolated patches of lowmoor and transitional moor peat soils.

Anthropogenic soils can be found on the territories of former villages: Ciechania, Zydowskie, Nieznajowa and Rostajne. 
