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Red deer phot. Zenon Wojtas

Red deer phot. Zenon Wojtas

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Nature » Unanimated nature » Relief


The Beskid Niski Mts., being a crosswise topographic law in the Carpathians curve, form a number of ridges and isolated hills separated by the wide downlows, stream and river valleys. The protection of this characteristic landscape was one of the reasons for creating the Magura National Park.

Wisloka river valley (phot. Slawomie Basista

According to the Starkl’s relief types classification in the area of the MNP following relief types can be distinguished:

View onto Magura Watkowaska range (phot. Andrzej Czaderna

The complexity of Park’s relief is fully showed on the hypsometric map of the Magura National Park (with the buffer zone). In the northern part of the Park the long Magura Watkowska ridge dominates and its Watkowa summit is the highest summit of the MNP. Below the Magura Watkowska ridge there is an isolated hummock of Mareszka Mt. The southern part of the Park, separated from the northern part by the Wisloka and Wilsznia valleys, is definitely lower. The mountain ridges lying in that part do not exceed the altitude of 750 m a.s.l. Their slopes cut through the deep valleys of the right-bank tributaries of the Wisloka river and Wilsznia stream, whose sources are located near the state frontier with Slovakia. The dominating part of the Park’s area (86 %) is between the altitude of 401 m a.s.l. and 650 m a.s.l., over 20 % of which is situated on the altitude of 501 – 550 m a.s.l. The lowest altitude found in the Park is 329 m a.s.l.

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