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author Alicja Nawracaj

author Alicja Nawracaj

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Nature » Animated nature » Fauna



Ground beetles
The first research of the ground beetles Carabidae was carried out in 2005. 35 species of beetles were signed then in the area of the Park. The most numerous are: Carabus linnaei, Violet Ground Beetle C. violaceus and Pterostichus vulgaris.

Ground beetle (phot. Adam Grochowalski)

The species which are protected in Poland belong to the genera Carabus and Colosoma. In the area of the Park we can find 11 species which are protected: Carabus auronitens, C. cancellatus, C. convexus, C. coriaceus, C. glabratus, C. granulatus, C. hortensis, Blue Ground Beetle C. intricatus, C. irregularis, C. linnaei and Violet Ground Beetle. Very interesting species are also Harpalus quadripunctatus – a relict species and Pterostichus foveolatus – a Carpathian endemic and 2 Carpathian subendemics that is Trechus pulchellus and Carabus irregularis .

Apionidae and Curculionidae
A group of insects which is well known in the Park are herbivorous beetles. In the area of the Park and in the buffer zone we can find 64 species of Apionidae and 223 species of Curculionidae. We can distinguish among them for example 24 mountain species, from which the most interesting are Carpathian species: Otiorhynchus obsidiamus, Bryodamon kocsirenae, Liophloeus gibbus, Donus oxalidis, Acalles petryszaki and Dorytomus carpathicus. Their occurrence is limited only for this mountain range, they are sometimes observed in the adjacent areas. Another interesting group are xerothermic Apionidae and Curculionidae which can be met only on the warm and dry areas. In the MNP there are only 61 species in this group. A lot of them use the Beskid Niski Mts. to migrate from South to North as this area is a crosswise topographic law in Carpathian chain. These are: Perapion lemori, Protapion gracilipes, Otiorhynchus laevigatus, Eusomus ovulum and Trichosirocalus hassicus. An important role in the Magura National Park play also woodland species, which are 86 in the Park. Another beetles interesting for their location are: Sitona tenuis, Lixus myagri, Bradybatus kellneri, Coeliodes nigritarsis and Trichosirocalus hassicus .

ImageIn the area of the Park Rosalia Longicorn Rosalia alpina occurs, one of the disappearing species of beetles. It belongs to the order of long-horned beetles. Its occurrence in Poland is rather limited only to the south-east part of the country. This species is strictly protected and it is regarded in the Polish Red Data Book as endangered and under threat of extinction. In the MNP we can find it at the turn of July and August.

ImageIn the area of the Park a very interesting and rare insect Praying Mantis Mantis religiosa was observed. This is the only representative of the order Mantodea in Poland. The first example of its occurrence was observed in 2002 in the meadow area of the uninhabited village Ciechania. In the same year it was observed two more times. In 2003 the searching confirmed that those individuals, which had been found earlier were not brought here accidentally, because new individuals of this species were found in new areas. We can assume that this insect lives in the sunny meadows of the MNP.


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