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Kingfisher phot. Tomasz Kleingortnar

Kingfisher phot. Tomasz Kleingortnar

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Nature » Animated nature » Fauna


Amphibians and reptiles

 There are 5 species of urodeles (tailed amphibians) in the Magura National Park. The most numerous and the most common is Alpine Newt Triturus alpestris appearing only in the mountains, while the most interesting is the appearance of endemic in the Carpathians Carpathian Newt T. Montandoni. Other species are: typical for the mountain area Spotted Salamander Salamandra salamandra, Great Crested Newt Triturus cristatus and Common Newt T. vulgaris .

Alpine Newt (phot. Agnieszka and Damian Nowak)

There are 5 species of anurans, out of which Yellow-bellied Toad Bombina variegata and Common Frog Rana temporaria, typical for the highlands, are the most numerous and the most common. Other species are: Common Tree Frog Hyla arborea, Common Toad Bufo bufo and the rarest and most endangered Green Toad B. viridis .

Yellow-bellied Toad (phot. Agnieszka and Damian Nowak)

Common Frog (phot. Agnieszka and Damian Nowak)

Common Tree Frog (phot. Cezary Cwikowski)

Common Toad (phot. Agnieszka and Damian Nowak)

Reptiles are not very numerous in the Park. The most common lizard is Viviparous Lizard Lacerta vivipara, whilst Sand Lizard L. agilis and Limbless Lizard Anguis fragilis were only sporadically found. Very numerous are snakes: Common Northern Viper Vipera berus and Grass Snake Natrix natrix. Smooth Snake Coronella austriaca was observed only once.

Viviparous Lizard (phot. Slawomir Basista)

Common Northern Viper (phot. Cezary Cwikowski)

Grass Snake (phot. Andrzej Czaderna)

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