Yellow trail
Tylawa village – Baranie Mt.
In the area of the Magura NP and it’s buffer zone it leads from Wilsznia village through Olchowiec village to Baranie Mt.
The trail length in this part: 0.5 km
Category - for pedestrians
Trail’s profile
The trail starts in Tylawa village and leads W along the river valleys. Through the inhabited villages Smereczna and Wilsznia it goes to Olchowiec village. From that place it runs S through the areas of the Park’s buffer zone. It goes up the Olchowczyk stream valley using an the old path, it passes some buildings and reaches forest and the Park’s border. Then it turns SW and runs along the valley parallel to the border ridge and then disappears by a stream. Next it goes quite steep up to Baranie Mt (754m a.s.l.) where a wooden viewing tower is located and some Polish and Slovak trails cross. The yellow trail ends there joining with the blue one.
Walking times:
Tylawa village – Olchowiec village 2h 39’
Olchowiec village – Baranie Mt. 2h