Black trail
In the area of the Magura NP it leads from Folusz village through Diabli Kamien to Ferdel Mt., where it joins the green trail.
The trail length in this part: 6.5 km
Category: for pedestrians
Trail’s profile
The trail starts in the centre of Folusz village and runs along the road up the Klopotnica valley along with yellow and green trails. It crosses the Klopotnica stream right above the trout farm. It goes S using the old forest road through the Kosma Mt (672m a.s.l.). A branch of the trail leads to the Diabli Kamien – a former rocky nature monument. Then it runs down into a valley and then using the forest road it goes W, up the unknown stream. Then, along with the road, the trail turns right. It goes up slowly but far to the wide col (662m a.s.l.) located on the side arm of the Magura Watkowska Mt. Finally it runs up the main ridge in a place called Barwinok (670m a.s.l.), slightly E from the Ferdel Mt. It ends in a place where a green trail from Gorlice joints it. Running from Folusz village sometimes it goes through the strictly protected area called Magura Watkowska.
Walking times:
Folusz village – Diabli Kamien 30’
Diabli Kamien – Ferdel Mt. 1h 45’